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Number of found documents: 10

Published on official board:
Zverejňovanie na CUET - obec Nová Polhora
Published from:
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Documents author:
Zverejňovanie na CUET - obec Nová Polhora
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Územné rozhodnutie - Stavba „Prístupová komunikácia a chodník“
Document abstract:
Územné rozhodnutie o umiestnení stavby: „Prístupová cesta a chodník“ – stavebné objekty: SO 01 Miestna komunikácia, SO 05 Transformovňa VN T9-S9, SO 06 Prípojka elektrickej energie VN pre T9-S9, SO 09 Verejné osvetlenie
Published on official board:
Zverejňovanie na CUET - obec Nová Polhora
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Zverejňovanie na CUET - obec Nová Polhora
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Pozvánka na zasadnutie obecného zastupiteľstva
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
VZN č.5 - organizácia miestneho referenda
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Programový rozpočet obce na roky 2021-2023
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
VZN č.3 - ochrana verejnej zelene, udrž. čistoty
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
VZN č.6 - činnosti, ktorých vykonáv. je zakázané
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
VZN č.4 - čas predaja v obchode, prevádzky služieb
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Prog. rozpočet obce na roky 2021-2023 - výdavky
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Prog. rozpočet obce na roky 2021-2023 - príjmy
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Nová Polhora
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Žiadosť o vydanie súhlasu na výrub drevín
Document abstract: