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Number of found documents: 4
Published on official board:
Obec Lipovec, okres Martin (OVM)
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Obec Lipovec, okres Martin (OVM)
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Name of official document:
Doodatok č. 1 k NZ_AudiologicPRO
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Lipovec, okres Martin (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Lipovec, okres Martin (OVM)
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Name of official document:
Plán kontrolnej činnosti hlavnej kontrolórky obce
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Lipovec, okres Martin (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Lipovec, okres Martin (OVM)
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Kúpna Zmluva_pozemok obce_OZ_Buvala
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Lipovec, okres Martin (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Lipovec, okres Martin (OVM)
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Kúpna Zmluva_pozemok obce_OZ_Petr Červíková
Document abstract: