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Number of found documents: 24

Published on official board:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Návrh rozpočtu na roky 2025,2026,2027
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Schválený rozpočet na obdobie 2024, 2025, 2026
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Návrh programového rozpočtu na rok 2024
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Návrh rozpočtu na obdobie 2024, 2025, 2026
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Návrh - KPSS Kecerovce 2023 - 2030
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
OZnámenie o zákaze vstupu na pozemok
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
VZN 3/2022 o miestnych daniach a odpadoch
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
VZN 4/2022 - distribúcia pitnej vody
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Nariadenie - určenie miest. poplatkov za rok 2023
Document abstract:
Published on official board:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published from:
Registry symbol:
Documents author:
Obec Kecerovce (OVM)
Published to:
Registry case:
Name of official document:
Návrh - Nariad. o určení poplatkov Kecerovce
Document abstract: